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Partner Intensives

Each relationship is different and unique. 


Partner intensives are an option for those relationships that would benefit from a "Deep Dive" into a particular issues that needs resolving.  

Some examples include:

Opening a relationship emotionally, sexually or both.

Working through an affair or infidelity in which both (or all) individuals in the relationship want to keep the relationship in tact and find a way to move forward together.

Finding a resolution to an ongoing issue like family (nuclear or extended) problems, parenting, family planning, work/life balance, finances, differences of opinion,  past emotional injuries.

De-Constructing or Re-Constructing a sexual/relational paradigm shift in the relationship.  


See below for more info on structure and pricing.


Intake and Assessment

1 - 2 Sessions with the therapist of 1.5 hours each session.


These sessions will assess for a baseline measure of what you are looking to change and develop goals for the following meetings that are measurable and concrete.  The first session will be with partners present.  The second session will be divided in time with individual meetings (i.e. 2 people with 1 individual meeting each of 45 min.)

The Intensives

3 - 5 Sessions with the therapist that are 2 hours in length each session.


These sessions are goal oriented and active.  Clients will collaborate with the therapist for change and transformation.  Minimum of 3 intensives is desired so as to work toward goals and create change.


1 Session with the therapist 3 weeks after the intensive series with a duration of 1.5 hours in length.


This session is to monitor and assess for regression and to tie up any lose ends, clear up any questions, provide next steps of support or recommendation, and review goals and success.

Logistics and Fees

Intake Sessions are 90 minutes in length and are $315 per 90 min meeting.

The Intensive sessions are 180 minutes in length and are $420 per 180 min meeting.

The Closing session is 90 min in length and is $315.

Intensives are reserved in a grouping and will be scheduled upon completion of the intake session.

Intensives are paid per session - you can cancel anytime.

A commitment to the full program is strongly encouraged.  

The full program cost range is:

1)  $315 for just the intake and clients and/or therapist assess continuation is not appropriate

2)  RECOMMENDED:  $2,205 for 2 intake sessions (1 session being split into 2 individual sessions of 45 min each), 3 Intensive meetings, and 1 Closing 

3)  Additional Intensive meetings can be added as needed.  However, the max number of additional Intensive meetings will be no more than 5 intensives.

Intensives are private pay with payment due at time of service.

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Learn More

Have more questions? Just ask!

In-person Counseling at

5000 FM2244, Austin, TX 78746 


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The content on this website is intended for informational use only.  Clicking on links and exploring the site and it's connecting links does not mean you are in treatment with Angela Jensen-Ramirez.  Treatment begins when consents are signed and we have agreed in writing to work together.

 Â©2020 by Anew Therapy, PLLC. Proudly created with

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